
Eurofighter’s Future Even Brighter with Signing of Long Term Evolution contract

The future production of the Eurofighter Typhoon jet has recently taken a significant step forward with the signing of the contract for Part 1 of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) Technology Maturation Phase (TMP).

The LTE Programme will boost the growth capacity of the Eurofighter Weapon System through the development of a new Cockpit, Mission Computing, Flight Control Computing, Communications Equipment and Armament Control.

In addition, it will be a key enabler for the delivery of the Core Nations and Export future production aircraft, as well as facilitating continued capability enhancements for the remaining life of the Weapon System.

Giancarlo Mezzanatto, Chief Executive of Eurofighter, and AVM Simon Ellard (ret.), General Manager of NETMA (the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency) signed the LTE contract, following German Parliamentary approval earlier this week.

Mr Mezzanatto said: “LTE will be the major midlife technology upgrade for the Eurofighter, bringing several major enhancements to the jet – specifically to its avionics architecture.

“There will be an evolution of the cockpit configuration and Human Machine Interface (HMI), and an expansion in its ability to handle large amounts of data, much faster.

“The signature of the LTE contract demonstrates the commitment of our Customers to continue the effectiveness of the Eurofighter aircraft and programme for many years to come. It will also meet the evolving needs of our Air forces.”

The LTE agreement is another key foundation to ensure the Eurofighter jet is operationally effective into the 2060’s. LTE will be a core component for Eurofighter in its role as the bridge to the sixth generation fighters.

AVM Ellard said: “LTE will significantly advance the capabilities of the Eurofighter. The enhancements delivered will ensure the aircraft remains at the forefront of innovation, delivering technological superiority and cutting-edge performance for its operators.”

The agreement follows the announcement earlier in 2024 of the Phase 4 Enhancement (P4E) SD (system definition) package.